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Gibraltar International Body Art was formed in September 2012, we became an accredited Gibraltar cultural organisation commissioned by our ministry of culture (CO/22) by May 2013 soon after the first festival was held in April 2013, with a great response, by artists locally and internationally, Including Pashur; Liliana Hopman and Atelier RomAndy.

It all came together after going to a day jam in Malaga, where we mentioned we could hold a day jam within one of our large halls for everyone in the surrounding area not just between friends. With the second Gibraltar international face & body painting festival having just been held this past April to a great response and amazing feedback by all those involved, locally and internationally. Within its four days of events we held competitions, workshops expos, demos and day trip across to Morocco and lucky enough to have had representatives from across the world including; America, Holland, Germany and France to name a few. With what has happened around the world the 2020 Gibraltar festival has been and gone but the 2021 festival is well under way as we speak, in these uncertain times we do plan a range of events, new venue and already receiving requests and applications, whether it be for artists, models, or just from those who are interested in art and as always bringing something new to Gibraltar or just making new friends with everything going on around us. The 2021 festival dates are TBA so look out for updates and further information.

stay safe, keep in touch, and we will one big painty family once again soon enough.


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